Labels:booth | bulletin board | cassette tape | cd rom | computer | crt screen | laptop | motorcycle | poster OCR: Motorcy cle Registry '95-96 The First Motoreycte Guide on CD. ROM FEATURING THE FULL 1995 MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS: RANGE FROM THE IBM PC PC 4ml RAM. SVGA sraphics 256 colors with FOLLOW ING MOTORCYCLE 640480) CD-ROM Irive Sound Blaster compatible sound card, MANUFACTU IRERS: mous MS Windows 1or greater ATK Buell Beta Ducati BMW Harley -Davidson RECOMME MACINTOSH 640x480 resution ENDED: 4mb 8mb CD-ROM RAM RAM drive Color 16bit System monito calor with 1256 1.0 or greater. 32.000 colors colors with Honda Gas-Gas Kawasaki I drive and extermal speakers Maico Montesa Scorpa Suzuki Yamaha LICENSE WARRANTY: Motorcycle Registry 95 the first Use of this dise s limited personal use only No materials Motorcycle CD from Arc Media, makers Honda contained hereir ma used any commercia purposes The Boat of t ...